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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pearl & Dove

The thing about our weather is that it can get unbearably hot. In complete contrast, college libraries and offices tend to feel like sub-zero temperature deep freezers. So what do you do when you need something to pull on for those chilly days at college or at work, but don’t want to melt like a popsicle in the sun when you step outside?

You scout for a cardigan to insulate you, but still isn’t too thick for the sweltering heat.
Pearl & Dove is precisely that: a long, light cardi that suits the transition from freezing library to the sweltering outdoors. The short sleeves make it even more practical for our weather.

Comes in two shades: creamy pearl white, and a soft dove gray.

Colours - White , Gray
Size - Free Size
RM 29

Now RM24

(Sold Out)